
Freshen your Planters

We carry a wide variety of bark. We have shredded barks including Cedar Freeway and Fir Walk-on bark. We also carry a large variety of chunk style sizes including mini, small, medium, and large and more. If you are looking for something to put under a swing set or in a playground we offer certified Playground Chips that are used by many north state schools and public parks.

Barks are great ground covers. They can help control weeds and maintain moisture if placed at an adequate depth. Some will be better for sloped areas. Choose the Cedar Freeway or Fir Walk-on if you have a sloped yard. These shredded varieties are more likely to bind together forming a mat that will stay in place.

Want to improve the look of your yard? New bark placed in your yard is the quickest and easiest way to make your yard look beautiful. Plus the smell of fresh bark will be an added bonus to your newly beautified yard.

Cubic Yard Calculator

Cubic Yard Calculator



0 – ¼″ Mulch


Cedar Freeway


Fir Walk-On


Medium Bark


Mini Bark


Playground Chips


Small Bark


Smart Bark


Check Out Some of Our Work!

Axner Excavating Inc. is a community minded business that takes pride in providing fast reliable service.

Everything from water truck, backhoe, dozer, mini excavator, skid steer and more hourly and contract services. We have an 11 acre yard that is open 7 days a week full of a variety of landscape & construction materials. We deliver materials with same day service!

We are a community-minded local business and look forward to assisting you!

Let’s Get Started

Axner Excavating Inc is ready to help you build your driveway, put in your septic system, build your house pad and any other site work you may need. We do commercial & residential work. Demolition, material deliveries, utilities or whatever your excavating needs are. We also have an 11 acre yard full of a variety of landscape supplies. You pick up or we deliver!